Reportaje 279.
Three new species of bacteria, which are not found on Earth and which are highly resistant to ultra-violet radiation, have been discovered in the upper stratosphere by Indian scientists.
The Analytical Findings are summarized as Follows:
In all, 12 bacterial and six fungal colonies were detected, nine of which, based on 16S RNA gene sequence, showed greater than 98% similarity with reported known species on earth. Three bacterial colonies, namely, PVAS-1, B3 W22 and B8 W22 were, however, totally new species. All the three newly identified species had significantly higher UV resistance compared to their nearest phylogenetic neighbors.
I think we don´t need more to know. Bacterial life and fungal life about our heads, living isolated from our civilization in a very danger and hostile environment. They are living there without protection of the hard ultra-violet radiation and the cold thin air. Three new species of bacteria, which are not found on Earth, are discovered and more of them are to be found. It´s great. Extra-terrestrial life about our heads, and we are not believing that we ever will found there in the entire universe. Are we stupid? We are!
Creo que no necesitamos más a saber. Vida bacteriológica y vida de hongos viven sobre nuestros cabezas en la estratosfera. Viven allá aislados de la civilización en un ambiente hostil y peligroso. Ellos están viviendo sin protección de los rayos ultra violeto y del aire frio. Tres nuevos especies fueron encontradas, cuales no hay aquí en la tierra. Es una noticia grande y espectacular. Vida extraterrestre vive encima de nosotros y nosotros no creemos, que vamos a encontrar jamás vida en todo en el universo. ¿Somos tonto? ¡Si!
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